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EAP102 Spring 2019

Class notes and homework assignments

Day 15

M-Tu Mar. 11-12


➤ keep working on your midterm paper final draft

due M-Tu Mar 18-19

➤ Speaker tasks

Read the essay I assigned you. In 2-3 minutes, tell us: What are one or two things you think this paper does really well? What are one or two changes you think the author could make so that it would be either more engaging or more satisfying for our readers (or both)?

➤ read 5 of classmates’ essays

Read the three sample essays I gave you in the printed packet I handed out in class, plus your two groupmates’ essays with my comments.

When reading the three sample essays, ask yourself: What is this essay already doing well? What could it be doing better? Be ready to tell us in class.

When reading your groupmates’ essays with my comments, ask yourself, what could be done to solve the problems I’ve highlighted in the comments? Be ready to share your ideas with your groupmates in class. (Remember to focus on the “big picture.” Don’t get hung up on little details.)

➤ Writing Exercise #8

Choose one paragraph (or a couple short paragraphs) in your midterm essay. Read it over with an eye to the “connective devices” (transition terms, “pointing words,” and “repeating yourself, with a difference”) discussed in TSIS Chapter 8. Does every sentence “echo” something in the previous sentence? If it doesn’t, change it so that it does. (Use Track Changes 修订模式 so that I can see the changes you made.) Print it out and bring it to class. In my feedback I’ll tell you if I think you’ve succeeded in improving the “flow” of this passage.

day-15Austin Woerner