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Course Documents

EAP101B - Essay 3 (final paper)

due 12:00 noon on Friday. Dec. 13 (printed out, in my blue box)

Option A

Many experts believe that motivation is the single most decisive factor in a student's long-term success in language study. How could a semester-long EAP class for incoming freshmen at a university like DKU (an English-medium university in China) best help students become self-motivated English learners—students who are able to continue to improve their English outside the framework of formal coursework?

Option B

If you don't think motivation is the most significant challenge for English learners at a university like DKU, what is the most significant challenge? And how could a semester-long English course for incoming freshmen most effectively address this challenge?


  • Length: No limit

  • Citation style: MLA


  • Have a focus

  • "Describe it before you comment on it" (Think: What things need to be described first in order for my argument to make sense?)

  • Support your points using specific evidence ("If you say it's true, show how you know it's true")

  • Consider your audience

  • Strive toward your own ideal of good writing